My Pronouns
I am able bodied, neurodivergent, white Ukrainian-American, queer, sex positive, poly, witchy, non gender conforming, cis-female.
Licensed Massage Therapist & NCBTMB CEU Provider, Licensed Erotic Blueprint Coach, Certified Accelerated Evolution Coach, Certified Yoga Instructor, Community Support Service Worker
Somatic Sex & Intimacy Coaching, Emotional Integration Coaching, Abdominal Massage Therapy for Fertility, Community Support Service Work
Cis, trans masc, intersex, trans femme
I just feel so grateful that this directory exists because of how deeply important safe spaces are, and I am committed to my personal work as well as work for collective loberation.
I have worked with many different structures such as relationship anarchy, poly and non monogamy individuals, as well as people that identify as asexual. I personal have a lot of experience navigating poly family, although I haven’t worked with poly family in my practice, only individuals.
I am so committed to expanding cultural awareness when it comes to sexuality. It is a deep value of mine as a queer poly, relationship anarchist.
I have worked with a range of ethnic identities, including black, latino, & indigenous.
I realize that as a white person my work is never done and I continue to reflect on my personal internalized prejudices and privileges regularly. I am always looking for ways to be even more active in dismantling white supremacy culture. For many of these, I felt that I am somewhere between intermediate and advanced, because I am still finding ways to be of greater serving and center my work around these principals.
I work with neurodivergent people regularly, and also navigate this in my own life, and in my family as a neurodivergent parent of a disabled child. I have worked with many massage clients with cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy.
I continue to find it interesting that I identify with many of the things on the advanced list, but keep putting myself in the intermediate position because I just feel like there is always more learning to do and action to take.